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Liver with tomatoes and vegetables

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Adjust Servings:
500 g Chicken liver
2 шт Onion
1 шт Carrot
1 шт Paprika red средний
3 ст л Vegetable oil
400 г Italian canned tomatos или свежие помидоры
4 зубчика Garlic небольших
1/2 пучка Parsley leaves
1 чл Paprika powder sweet
to taste Black pepper whole
по вкусу Salt

Liver with tomatoes and vegetables

  • 30 min
  • Serves 4
  • Easy




Romanian cuisine is very skillfully working with the organs. It has wonderful festive dishes made of lamb’s liver, as well as poultry giblets which are added to soups and they make wonderful dishes.

Today we are making a very simple, quick and amazingly delicious dish of chicken liver with tomatoes and vegetables.

Bon Appétit!

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Salt the dish at the very end, so that the liver would give off steam and will turn out tender.
Dice the onions into small cubes, cut the carrots into quarter rings and dice fresh red bell peppers into small cubes. Saute onions and carrots over medium heat for about 10 to15 minutes until soft and golden. At the end of cooking (3 minutes) add peppers and saute all of them together until cooked.


Add the liver and saute all together for about 5 minutes. Add tomatoes, mix all together, and smash the tomatoes so that there would be no large pieces. Bring mixture to a boil and simmer it for 15 minutes with the lid closed over low heat. If the sauce becomes too thick, add some water.


Chop the garlic finely and the herbs mediumly chopped.
Add the garlic to the liver, mix and simmer it all together for another 3 minutes. Remove from the heat, add chopped parsley, season with salt to taste (just now for the first time salt!). Let it stand with the lid on for another 10 minutes and then serve.
Bon Appétit!

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