A delightful appetizer of roasted and marinated red peppers with herbs and garlic is a staple in Balkan cuisine and known as an antipasto in Italian cuisine—a true classic! I...
The sweet and sour lamb stew with figs and tomatoes is exceptionally tender and full of flavorful spices. This southern specialty is easy to make, yet boasts a sophisticated aroma...
This cake is a real wonder – a sunny Italian delight! Here’s the gluten-free variation that closely resembles the classic version and is absolutely stunning....
Directions Gluten-free whole wheat flour crepes (there are lots of different recipe options on this website) with unsweetened filling make a great healthy breakfast. I typically make a double batch...
It’s a great way to cook cod or any other kind of firm white fish. The term ‘Mediterranean’ refers to a style of cooking fish in a sauce with tomatoes,...
Hummus is typically a blend of cooked chickpeas and tahini seasoned with garlic, salt and lemon juice. However, the taste and consistency of hummus can...
Here is a fantastic way to add more seaweed to your diet, getting more iodine and other essential minerals and micronutrients. This salad has a delightful combination of sweet and...
When it comes to any meat dish, the key is to select the right meat. Buzhenina can be equally delicious when made with pork (back part) or beef, with veal...
This salad takes inspiration from a traditional Austrian recipe. In Austria, they cook up some local mountain brown lentils (Germ. Berglinsen), let them cool and...