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Cream of Ramsons (Wild Garlic) Soup with Pine Nut Milk

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Adjust Servings:
100 g of Wild garlic
1 Onion A medium onion
3 tbsp. of Extra Virgin olive oil
1 Celery root
1 root Parsnip
1 Parsley root
1/2 Apple A medium apple
50 g of Pine nuts
750 ml of Water
to taste Salt

Cream of Ramsons (Wild Garlic) Soup with Pine Nut Milk

  • 25 min
  • Serves 8
  • Easy




The ramsons always open the spring green season in Vienna. You can pick it up in the Vienna woods before it blooms or buy a garden one at the supermarket. Our ancestors have been eating them since caveman times. For them, ramsons were an irreplaceable source of vitamin C in spring. Thanks to their essential oils, they also served as a bactericidal and antifungal agent.

You can eat ramsons raw, add them to salads and other dishes, or make soups. That’s what we are about to do now.

The recipe for this cream soup is unique in its composition, flavors and color. The celery, parsnip and parsley roots create its delicate creamy base. An apple provides its sourness, while they all provide fiber as well. We will add the ramsons at the end of the cooking to preserve their beneficial properties as much as possible.

Soup can be cooked on any nut milk, but pine nuts, native to the forest, are perfect! In addition, if you do not have ready-made plant milk on hand, you can make it from pine nuts in 2 minutes.

Dress this soup with olive oil and enjoy!

Bon Appétit!

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Make milk from the pine nuts. Soak the pine nuts in water for a couple of hours. Then drain the water, rinse them under running water and put them in a blender. Add 500 ml of fresh, cold water and blend for 2 minutes at high speed. If you have a powerful blender but don't have time, you can skip soaking the nuts.
You don't need to sieve the pine nut milk, as you will use all of it.


Cut the onions into medium sized cubes. In a pot where you will cook the soup, heat the olive oil, add the onions and sauté them over medium heat, stirring, until the onions are transparent for about 10 minutes.


While the onions are sautéing, peel the root vegetables and cut them into large cubes.
When the onions are ready, add the root vegetables to the pot, mix and simmer together for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Neither the onions nor the root vegetables should be browned.


Now pour the pine nut milk and put a little salt on it. Then bring it to a boil, lower the heat and cook it at a low boil until the root vegetables are completely soft.


Rinse the ramsons well and cut them coarsely.


When the root vegetables are already very soft, pour everything from the pot into a blender and grind until smooth. Now add 250 ml of cold clean water, plus ramsons and grind everything again until it is smooth. You should obtain a cream soup with a beautiful lettuce color. Season it with salt to taste. Add a little more water if necessary to correct the consistency. The soup is done.
Bon Appétit!

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