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Romanian Vegetable Stew, AKA Ghiveci Calugaresc

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Adjust Servings:
Key vegetables:
1/4 head of Cabbage
1/4 head of Cauliflower
1 Kohlrabi Kohlrabi with greens
1 Aubergine/Eggplant
1 Zucchini
1 Onion
1 Carrot
1 Paprika red
50 g of Celery root Or celery stalks
400 g of Italian canned tomatos Or fresh tomatoes
100 ml of Extra Virgin olive oil
100 ml of Water
Parsley root
Bok choy
Green olives
Green peas young
Green bean
Fennel bulb
Swiss chard
Spices and herbs:
2 cloves of Garlic
1 Chili fresh
1 tbsp. of Parsley leaves Or dried one
1 tbsp. of Dill Or dried one
1 tbsp. of Thyme Or dried one
1 Bay leaf
10 peppercorns Black pepper whole
2 Pimento
to taste Salt
optionally Lovage leaves Or dried ones

Romanian Vegetable Stew, AKA Ghiveci Calugaresc

  • Serves 8
  • Medium


  • Key vegetables:

  • Variations:

  • Spices and herbs:



It’s an ingenious dish where you can combine whatever vegetables are in season. You can enjoy it both warm and cold, at any meal or have it with meat, fish and offal. From a health perspective, this dish is perfect! Many kinds of vegetables cooked in the oven are a great source of fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. The last time I counted how many vegetables I had in my stew was 23! Put in a little bit of all seasonal vegetables for maximum health benefits!

Even though the dish features seasonal vegetables, it still has some key ingredients that give it a distinct flavor and texture. First of all, it’s cabbage. The dish is an old one and was made from ordinary cabbage. Nowadays, cauliflower is often added and occasionally kohlrabi. When cooked in the oven, these vegetables retain their crunch and give a particular cabbage flavor. The dish must contain tomatoes, garlic, carrots and onions. In the summer season, it should also include eggplants and zucchini.

The stew can also be cooked on the stovetop. However, its original meaning is to cook the vegetables in the hearth (modern version – in the oven) so that the vegetables retain their shape and texture.

P.S. To make this dish, you will need a flat large baking dish with high sides or a Dutch oven since the vegetables are cut into large pieces. Keep in mind that the volume of vegetables will significantly reduce during the cooking process.

P.S.S. Add vegetables such as kohlrabi, cauliflower and celery, including their tops and leaves.

Bon Appétit!

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Cut the onions into medium-sized cubes, the carrots into half rings, and the celery into small straws or cubes. Then, sauté them in a small amount of olive oil until they turn golden.


Cut the remaining vegetables into medium-sized cubes or bite-size pieces of about 2 cm. Keep the garlic whole, but crush it slightly with the flat side of a knife. Cut the fresh chili in half, but not all the way through.


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.


Place all the vegetables, both sautéed and raw, in a baking dish. Add salt, spices and herbs to taste, along with the remaining olive oil. Mix well. Next, add water and cover the dish with baking paper, followed by foil or a lid. If they are almost done, then mix and bake vegetables for 30 more minutes without the lid. If the vegetables are still hard, stir them and continue baking under the lid until they are half-cooked. Then, uncover the vegetables and allow them to brown and cook through. Remove the vegetables from the oven, let them cool slightly, and serve them hot or at room temperature.
Bon Appétit!

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