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Lithuanian Cold Borscht

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Adjust Servings:
2 Beetroot
2 Cucumber
4 Radish
4 Egg(s)
250 ml of Almond kefir
1 bunch of Dill
1 bunch of Parsley leaves
to taste Chives
to taste Salt
to taste Red wine vinegar 5%

Lithuanian Cold Borscht

  • Dairy-Free
  • Gluten-Free
  • Vegan
  • Vegetarian
  • 15 min
  • Serves 6
  • Easy




So, it’s summer. The heat is intense, but it is nicely cool in the office, of course. I’m sitting in the dining room eating the borscht I brought from home. My Baltic colleague comes in and comments, “Oh, I smell borsch.” Then, in our little conversation about borscht, he shared a variant of the cold soup (borscht) that people cook in the Baltic states in the summer. He said they even cooked it with pickled beets, which you can find in jars at the supermarket. It’s convenient, with no need for heat and it’s savory.

I did some Internet research 🙂 and found the technology for cooking such a dish, most commonly referred to as Lithuanian cold borscht. It’s a healthy and delicious soup and, at the same time real salvation in the heat!

I highly recommend it! 

Bon Appetit!

P.S. Classically, Lithuanian cold borscht is dressed with kefir. I dressed it with almond-based kefir. You can also use almond or coconut yogurt.

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You can buy boiled beets or bake/boil them yourself.
Peel the cooked beets and grate them on a coarse grater. Then, place them in a saucepan and pour water on them, just enough to cover them. The next is to bring them to a boil, turn them off and put the lid on. Then, let them cool down completely and put them in the fridge. Thus you get beet pulp broth with the beet pulp. Or, you can also just grate the beets and proceed to the next step. Then the base liquid in the soup will be kefir. Also, you can use pickled beets from a can.


Hard boil the eggs and cool them down. Then, peel them and dice them into fine cubes.


Огурцы трем на крупную терку и добавляем к свекле. Редис можно также натереть или нарезать пластинками для текстуры. Зелень режем мелко и добавляем к остальным овощам.


Grate the cucumbers on a coarse grater and add them to the beets. You can also grate or slice the radishes for texture. Chop the greens finely and add them to the rest of the vegetables.
Add eggs and kefir to the vegetables and mix it all well. You have to get a thick soup with a rich pink color.

Italian Style Pickled Beets
Cold Eggplant Dip
Italian Style Pickled Beets
Cold Eggplant Dip

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