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Lamb in grapes

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Adjust Servings:
2 кг Lamb верхняя часть задней ноги (вес с костью)
1 кг Grapes темный и светлый
350 г Onion
250 г Carrot
250 г Celery root
750 мл Red wine
750 мл Beef stock
3 tbsp Vegetable oil
5 ст л Extra Virgin olive oil
5 зубчиков Garlic
2 шт Bay leaf
5 веточек Thyme
1 stick Cinnamon
10 горошин Black pepper whole
по вкусу Salt
20 g Pomegranate melasse
30 g Date syrup

Lamb in grapes

  • 3 h
  • Serves 8
  • Easy


  • Мясо/маринад:

  • Stewing:

  • Spices:

  • Sauce:



For those who do not like lamb, I say right away that this dish can be made from beef.  Although the meat is so well marinated and then stewed in wine that it does not have any strong lamb aromas,  the texture and taste is perfect. Try the lamb, however, to marinate it so well and then stew in wine that there are no strong flavors of mutton, but the texture and taste are perfect. Try the mutton, though!  🙂

So, this is an absolutely magical dish of Oriental cuisine. The meat is marinated in grapes for a long time, and then stewed in red wine, so it turns out magically soft and tender, carrots are served with it, which were baked with it.  From above, the meat is poured with a special sweet and sour sauce based on juice, in which the meat was stewed.

The perfect dish for a festive or family table!

Be sure to try it!

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Remove the grapes from the branches and squeeze them with your hands. Place the squeezed grapes in a large bowl with a lid.


For this dish, we take the meat of the upper part of the back leg. Remove the bone, but do not throw it away, we will add it when baking, to make the gravy rich.
Cut off the excess fat, but leave a strip that covers the meat on one side.


Put the meat in a bowl with grapes, wipe it with grapes and juice on all sides, put some squeezed grapes on the top. Cover with a lid and put it in the fridge to marinate for about 24 to 48 hours.


Before baking, peel vegetables and cut into large pieces, onions into 4 parts.
Preheat the oven to 220 degrees Celsius with convection (or 230 top/ bottom).


Remove the lamb from the marinade, shake off the grapes (do not throw it away), dry the surface of the meat with paper towels.
Fry on all sides until brown crust in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil.


Pour the olive oil into a large baking tray. Put the fried lamb in the center. Place vegetables, bone, grapes with marinade and spices around. Pour wine and broth. Put salt, but not very much. The meat should be almost completely covered with liquid. Cover tightly with foil and put in the oven for 1 hour 15 minutes.


After 1 hour 15 minutes take it out of the oven, remove carrots, cover again with foil and put it to bake for another 1 hour.


After an hour, take it out of the oven, check if the meat is soft (it should break down into fibers). If the meat is ready, take it out, put it on a plate and cover with foil.


Filter the juice through a sieve, remove the fat from the surface, throw away all the vegetables and spices. Boil the remaining liquid so that 1/3 remains. Add date syrup, pomegranate molasses and salt, if necessary. Let it simmer together until the desired consistency of the sauce. Remove from the fire. You should get a liquid, rich sweet and sour sauce of a dark color.


Serve lamb with carrots, pour with sauce when serving.
Bon appetit!

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