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Black Radish Salad with Apple and Greens

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Adjust Servings:
2 Black radish
1 Apple
1 handful of Arugula
2 handful of Spinach
2 tbsp. of Chives
2 leaves of Radicchio
150 g Coconut yogurt
to taste Lemon juice
to taste Salt
to taste Grounded black pepper

Black Radish Salad with Apple and Greens

  • 25 min
  • Serves 4
  • Easy




Here is another salad made with black radish, one of the healthiest winter vegetables. The more options like this you have, the more often and readily black radish will find its way onto your table and into your body with its vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytonutrients.

This recipe emphasizes a balance of color, flavor and texture. The white color of the radish beautifully contrasts with the dark greens of the arugula and red radicchio. The sharp mustard flavor of the radish and arugula is softened by the fresh and juicy sweet and sour apple, neutral spinach and coconut yogurt. Slicing or grating all the ingredients into thin strips is responsible for the texture and adds a visual appeal to the salad.

Bon Appetit!

P.S. This salad can also be dressed with homemade mayonnaise.

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First, peel the black radish and cut it into long strips. You can use a food processor or a Mandoline Slicer.
Cut the spinach and radicchio into thin strips. Chop the green onions finely.
Finally, clean an apple, leaving the skin on and cut it into thin strips before it turns brown. Mix everything together and dress with coconut yogurt, salt, pepper, and lemon juice. Serve immediately.
Bon Appétit!

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