1 kg Raspberryили другие фрукты или ягоды
1 l Waterтеплая
200 g Honey
Fruit vinegar is a very interesting topic!
A lot has been written about benefits of home-made vinegar. Apple cider vinegar and its properties have been described in books. Here is a small part of things that apple cider vinegar is rich in: minerals – calcium, sulfur, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, sodium, silicone, potassium, 16 amino acids (a raw apple contains a three times less amino acids), vitamins – vitamin A, P, C, E, B vitamins, beta-Carotene (antioxidant). Moreover, apple cider vinegar is very fragrant and has a soft and rich fruity taste.
One of my followers inspired me to make a home-made fruit vinegar and I’m very grateful to her for that! Home-made vinegar is so easy, but very flavorful and rich. It can be made from your favorite seasonal fruit. Very delicious and sweet-smelling vinegar is made from apricots, apples, pears, mulberries. One of the fanciest and most favorite fruit (or rather berry) vinegars is raspberry vinegar. It is ruby in color, very fragrant and subtle, and is a perfect complement to salads, poultry, meat, desserts and cocktails. Raspberry vinegar is my favorite, so I’m using a recipe for one as an example. You can use this recipe for making vinegar from any kind of fruit! We will be using some honey here to enhance our vinegar with potassium, though you are free to use sugar only or sugar and honey combination.
Fruit vinegar is perfect for salad – just imagine – each fruit will give its own fragrance! Use it in any kind of dishes, as it’s subtler and more natural than a store-bought one! Now I buy only balsamic vinegar because of its manufacturing technology and aging period of 12 years (speaking of, I have a very interesting post about authentic balsamic vinegar, see here), and other kinds of vinegar I prefer to make at home.
So let’s forget about synthetic vinegar produced by timber industry and enjoy organic foods!
It is indeed easy, delicious and interesting!
This vinegar should stand for about 50 days, and if you don’t have that much time – use a quick technique that produces not less tasty vinegar! The recipe you’ll find here.
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Подготавливаем фрукты/ягодыМалину аккуратно моем. |
Готовим основу для уксусаМалину (или другие фрукты/ягоды) кладем в банку (стеклянный или керамический сосуд), добавляем теплую воду, 100 г меда, перемешиваем, в случаем ягод, немного придавливаем их, чтобы выделялся сок. Наливаем банку не полностью, оставляя 5-10 см до края, чтобы при брожении продукт не вышел за края. Накрываем банку марлей в 4 слоя (должен быть доступ воздуха), завязываем и ставим в темное место с комнатной температурой на 10 дней. |
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