500 g Salmonskin-on fillets
50 ml Соевый соус (gluten-free)
2 cloves of Garlic
1 cm Ginger
to taste White pepper
150 g Помидор свежий
150 g Cucumber
1/2 cup Quinoa
1/2 cup Wild rice
to taste Salt
to taste Grounded black pepper
to taste Extra Virgin olive oil
to taste Lemon juiceor lemon vinegar
to taste Chives
to taste Parsley leaves
Asian-Style Marinated Salmon with Easy Grain and Vegetable Salad
A quick, healthy and tasty dish! This is perfect for dinner or light lunch. Asian-style marinade makes the salmon very rich, and it is balanced with cooked grain and vegetable salad. No compromises – it’s both tasty and healthy!
Today's visits: 1.
COOK GRAINSBoil the grains. Any combination of whole grains will be good - wheat, rice, I love using a mix of quinoa and wild rice. |
20 min
MARINATE SALMONCut the skin-on salmon fillets into 3-4 width pieces. |
10 мин
PREPARE SIDE DISHCut the tomato and cucumber into small cubes to best compliment the grains. Finely chop the chives and herbs - save a little for garnish. Combine together and dress with salt, pepper, oil and lemon juice. Add the grains at this stage or serve them separately so that everyone could combine them on their plate. Plate up the salad. |
10 min
PAN-FRY SALMONTake the salmon out and pat with kitchen paper. Heat some oil over medium heat and place the salmon skin-side down. Cook undisturbed until half of flesh is opaque. Carefully turn it over and cook until cooked through. |
SERVEWhen the salmon is done, transfer it to the serving plates to the salad. Garnish with the chives and herbs before serving. |