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Indian-Style Coleslaw

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Adjust Servings:
1 pcs Kohlrabi или белокочанная капуста
1 шт Fennel bulb
1 шт Carrot
2 шт Cucumber средние
1/2 пучка Chives
1/2 пучка Parsley leaves
1/2 пучка Coriander leaves
1 шт Indian green chilli
1 ст л Edelflower vinegar или лимонный сок
1/2 tsp Honey или по вкусу
по вкусу Salt
по вкусу Vegetable oil

Indian-Style Coleslaw

  • 25 min
  • Serves 2
  • Medium




The term “coleslaw” comes from the Dutch term “koolsla” meaning “cabbage salad”. It’s a salad from cabbage and carrot dressed with mayonnaise and vinegar, which is a traditional American dish served with burgers. But! Every European country has its own cabbage salad. In Germany and Austria, for example, they have Krautsalad with some thyme seeds dressed with vinegar and vegetable oil. 

Today we’ll be making an Indian-style coleslaw with some spicy chili pepper, nutty coriander, and sweet honey. 

I’ll use kohlrabi but you can use raw cabbage, too. Cut the vegetables into fine strips if you want it to have a crunch to it, or grate them for a softer bite (like I did in the picture). 

This salad is fresh and spicy at the same time, perfect for bbq! 


P.S. Try dressing it with elderflower vinegar! Find the recipe here.

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Grate or cut into fine strips all the vegetables except for cucumbers. Cut off the chili pepper’s stem, remove the seeds and ribs. Cut it into fine strips or cubes. Place everything in a bowl and mix.
Dress with vinegar, honey, and salt to taste. Let stand for 15 min.
Cut the cucumber into fine strips and add to the salad. Toss well.
Serve with roasted meat.

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