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Duck Rillettes

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Adjust Servings:
For baking:
6 thighs of Duck
8 cloves of Garlic
4 Bay leaf
1 tbsp. of Thyme
1 Lemon zest
2 tsp. of Salt
1.5 tsp of Grounded black pepper
1 tsp. of Dijon mustard
to taste Salt
40 g of Ghee

Duck Rillettes

  • 5 hours
  • Serves 10
  • Medium


  • For baking:

  • Dressing:



Rillettes is like pâté, only with meat. Rillettes has the consistency of small slices of meat fibers and fat. It’s a dish of French cuisine, traditionally served as pâté on toast or a slice of bread. That’s the theory in this case)

And, we’re making a Duck Riette from the Australian chef of a Parisian café in Montmartre. Pretty cool, right? Yes! Though the name and origin of the dish may give the impression of being convoluted and time-consuming, don’t be scared!  In this case, it’s an unequivocally worthy dish for the busy hostess. Most of the time it cooks by itself in the oven. Then we take it apart, dress it up, shape it and put it in the freezer. There you have it, a supply of healthy (with no frying and a low cooking temperature) as well as delicious (with French cooking, flavors and spices) poultry for breakfast, lunch or dinner!

Make six duck thighs at once and you’ll get four of these like the Rillettes forms in the photo.

I highly recommend it!

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Preheat the oven to 150 degrees Celsius.
Slice the garlic into strips and peel off the lemon zest in strips using a vegetable peeler. Mix the garlic, lemon zest, salt and thyme in a small bowl. Roughly rub the duck thighs on all sides with this mixture. Put them on a wire rack, add a bay leaf and place on a baking tray. Pour enough water into a baking sheet so that it just starts to touch the bottom surface of the meat. Cover it with foil, a lid, or baking paper. Place in the oven and cook at a low temperature (150 degrees Celsius) until the meat is soft (the skin should not fry, the meat should easily break up into fibers). The timing will depend on the duck. Usually, I bake it for about 4 hours and 30 minutes.


When the meat is done, let it cool and while still warm, take off the skin, remove the fat and bones. Separate the meat into fibers. Add mustard, 50 ml of duck fat (previously removed from the surface of the baking tray) and 150 ml of duck juice from the tray, along with the melted ghee oil. Season it with salt and black pepper to taste. Mix it all well until smooth. The meat should be moist. If it is dry, add more juice from the baking tray.


Place the cooked Rillettes in the forms, tamping well. Then, fill the surface with duck fat or ghee oil. Store it in the fridge. Keep some of it in the freezer for longer storage.
Bon Appetit!

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