10 Cucumbersmall size
3 cloves of Garlic
3 sprigs of Dillflower
1 Cherry tree leaf
1/2 of Horseradish leaf
1 Currant leaf
500 ml of Water
1 tbsp. of Salt
1 Clove
1/2 of Bay leaf
3 peppercorns of Pimento
1/2 of Hot pepper fresh
1 tbsp. of Mustard seeds yellow
Do you make quick pickles?
I couldn’t help but share a philosophical quote: “How to tell that you’re a grown up? You now enjoy foods that you hated as a child!” : ) And that was exactly what happened to me and quick pickles. I didn’t quite like them as a child – they seemed so weird, neither sour nor salty…And now I totally in love with them!
I’m posting this recipe more for me to always have it at hand, as you must already have your own recipe for quick pickles. But it you don’t yet I invite you to have one! This recipe is makes delicious, crispy and fragrant pickles. And it’s easy-peasy!
I recommend you use small cucumbers and dill flower for fragrance. If current, cherry or horseradish leaves are unavailable, it’s OK, pickles will just be less fragrant but still very delicious!
The recipe’s for 1l jar.
Bon appetite!
Today's visits: 1.
2 hours
prepare cucumbersWash and then soak the cucumbers in cold water for 2 h (for crispness). Then drain the water, and trim the cucumber ends. |
20 min
Pickling brineCombine the water, salt and other spices, bring to a boil. Remove from heat and let cool down. |
1-3 days
PickleIn the bottom of a 1l jar, place a garlic clove and a dill sprig. Then pack the cucumbers vertically, as tightly as possible. |
ServeQuick pickles are a wonderful appetizer. They can be either added to a salad or sliced and served alone. |