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Pancakes with Heart & Egg Filling

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Adjust Servings:
To cook the heart:
700 g of Pork heart
1 Onion
100 g of Celery root
1 Carrot
1 Bay leaf
10 Black pepper whole
3 Pimento
To make the filling:
100 g of Ghee
2 Onion
3 Egg(s)
to taste Salt
to taste Grounded black pepper

Pancakes with Heart & Egg Filling

  • Serves 8
  • Medium


  • To cook the heart:

  • To make the filling:



Let’s keep working with the true superfoods, the organs. Our goal is to introduce them into your diet regularly in a way that is tasty and easy to make. As a reminder, the heart is a perfect source of protein and the best multivitamin, containing the B group vitamins, plus A, E, C, iron, magnesium, iodine, selenium, etc.

There is already a Pork/Beef Heart Salad on the site. So today, we are making pancake filling out of boiled hearts and eggs. The pancakes themselves can be of any kind. There are several recipes for various gluten-free pancake options on this site.

Such pancakes freeze beautifully. You can take them out in the evening and have a quick and healthy breakfast for the next morning. So make a double batch at once:)

Bon Appétit!

P.S. You can use beef or pork heart in this recipe. I will be using pork heart.

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First, it is necessary to clean the heart, cutting out all the vessels, membranes, streaks and other dense parts. Also, in the vessels, there can be blood clots, so simply wash them out under running water. Place the heart in a bowl, fill it with fresh water and let it stand for at least 1 hour or longer in the fridge. If you are in a rush, you can skip the soaking. For the heart, unlike the kidneys, this step is not critical.
Now pour water into a pot and bring it to a boil. Then, immerse the cleaned heart in it. Once again, bring it to a boil again and cook over medium heat for about five minutes. There will be foam rising, which you can leave on, as we will completely drain the water.
Now pour fresh water over the heart, bring it to a boil again, lower the heat and simmer for 1 hour at a low boil. After that, add the vegetables and spices and cook them for another 30 minutes or more until the heart is completely cooked. Check its readiness with a knife. If it goes in easily, it's ready.
Take out the cooked heart and let it cool.



Dice the onion into small cubes and boil the egg to a hard boil.
In a large frying pan, sauté the onions until soft and golden for about 15 minutes in some ghee oil.
Process the boiled heart through a meat grinder. Then add the minced heart to the onions and the rest of the ghee oil, season with salt and pepper and sauté them together for a few minutes. After that, let the filling cool and add the eggs, diced as medium-sized cubes. Adjust salt and pepper to the mixture and let it cool.
Wrap the filling in pancakes. Some pancakes, you can freeze, while some you can fry in ghee oil again until crispy. Then serve the pancakes.
Bon Appétit!

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