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Coconut Yogurt Pancakes (gluten-free, dairy-free)

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Adjust Servings:
Dry Ingredients:
50 g of Buckwheat flour
50 g of Brown rice flour
50 g of Millet flour Or sorghum, teff, amaranth, quinoa, or a mixture of different flours
100 g of Tapioca starch
5 g of Psyllium husk
1 tsp. of Baking soda
1 tsp. of Baking powder
1/2 tsp. of Salt
1 tsp. of Vanilla sugar Optionally
Wet Ingredients:
350 g of Coconut yogurt
3 Egg(s)
30 g of Ghee Melted ghee

Coconut Yogurt Pancakes (gluten-free, dairy-free)

  • 30 min
  • Serves 4
  • Easy


  • Dry Ingredients:

  • Wet Ingredients:



I’m not a big fan of pancakes for breakfast, especially with sweet toppings like honey or jam. But what can I say, everyone in our family loves pancakes and crepes. So our solution is to fry pancakes or crepes on the weekends but eat a little at a time as a dessert after a full breakfast (protein and vegetables).

For the pancakes, as for the crepes, having a working recipe that never fails is quite useful in my opinion.  One that is simple, easy to understand, always turns out well and that you can quickly make when you are still half asleep :).

Oh, that’s it! The pancakes turn out tender, airy and very delicious!

If you make them regularly, make yourself a big jar of the flour, psyllium and starch mixture for the pancakes in this recipe, then the whole thing will be very quick.

I don’t add sugar to the pancakes, as they have enough sweetness from the coconut yogurt. Besides, you can choose salty or sweet toppings in this way.

Bon Appétit!

P.S. While it’s easiest to use one or two types of gluten-free flours, I still encourage you to use flours from different plants such as buckwheat, amaranth, sorghum, whole grain rice, teff, or millet. The more types of flours you use in your mixtures, the more varied the flavors of your products and the more diverse the range of nutrients.

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Mix the dry ingredients with a whisk until smooth. In another bowl, combine the wet ingredients and mix with a whisk until smooth. Then, add the wet ingredients to the dry ones and mix well with a whisk until the pancake batter is uniform and has no lumps. The batter shouldn't be too runny but not too thick, either. If necessary, add a little water. Let the batter sit for 5 minutes and start frying immediately, as the baking soda and baking powder have already started to react.
Fry the pancakes on each side in olive oil, ghee, or their mixture. For gluten-free pancakes, it is essential to make sure they are cooked well on the inside, so fry them over medium heat.

Bon Appétit!

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