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Oatmeal Toppings

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Oatmeal Toppings


Oatmeal has become my and my daughter’s favorite breakfast dish. And oatmeal add-ins turned out to be limited only by your imagination!

Here I am going to collect my favorite toppings ideas.

Caramelized apples with cinnamon and nuts

1 apple, peeled and diced

1 tsp ghee or butter

1 tbsp sugar (I prefer brown one)

½ tsp ground cinnamon

1 clove

Heat butter/ghee in a small pot, add the apples and cook for about half a minute, then add sugar, cinnamon and clove, cook together for 3-4 min. The apples will release their juices, which later will thicken and turn into a syrup. The apples are done when they are coated with the thickened syrup.

Serving: place the apples on top of oatmeal, sprinkle with chopped nuts to your taste; I prefer walnuts.


Caramelized bananas with chocolate

2 bananas

30 g butter

50 g powdered sugar, or sugar

50 g chocolate, dark or milk to your taste

Peel and cut bananas longwise in half. Cut them in quite thick pieces, 1 cm thick at least, otherwise they may brake while cooking. In a pan, heat butter over medium heat, add powdered sugar and mix. As soon as powdered sugar has melt, add bananas cut side down and cook until gold on both sides. Keep your eye open, as it is easy to burn.

Coarsely grate chocolate.

Serving: place the bananas on top, sprinkle with grated chocolate.

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