500 г Cooked beetroot
250 г Boiled potato
2 шт Apple
6 шт Herring fillet (Matjes)
1/2 луковицы Red onion
2 ст л Dill
5 ст л Extra Virgin olive oil
2 ст л Raspberry vinegar
1 чл Dijon mustard
по вкусу Salt
по вкусу White pepper
По желанию:
2 шт Pickled cucumber
1 ст л Capers
2 ст л Chives
1 шт Egg(s)отварное в крутую
Sillsallad translates from Swedish as Herring salad. It is considered to be the ancestor of the Soviet Herring Under a Fur Coat.
But let’s not draw parallels but focus on Sillsallad. In my opinion, it’s a peculiar and very delicious dish that reflects the essence of Scandinavian cuisine. It combines salty (herring), sweet (beets) and sour (apple and vinegar) in one dish. My most vivid gastronomic memory of Stockholm, after boiled crabs and shrimp, is herring with a sweet mustard sauce. But it’s not about that now. 🙂
Sillsallad is a festive dish and is often served at the Christmas table. It goes well with hot dishes, whether meat, poultry, or fish.
Interestingly, the classic Sillsallad uses pickled beets (boiled beets preserved with vinegar, sugar and spices) and is dressed only with beet brine. The salad must be placed into the fridge overnight to soak. It is often garnished with hard-boiled eggs and whipped cream before serving. That’s where we see how the Herring Under a Fur Coat came from.:)
Here, I’m giving a slightly adapted version of Sillsallad with olive oil and vinegar. As for the photo, you see a somewhat relaxed version of the herring salad. I made it in late summer with young boiled beets and potatoes, accompanied by the first sour juicy apples. It was bliss!
It’s a very healthy and delicious dish! I recommend taking note of it for a regular family diet!
Bon Appétit!
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