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Black Radish Salad with Mayonnaise

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Adjust Servings:
300 g of Black radish
3 Egg(s)
150 g of Carrot
150 g of Cooked meat
5 leaves of Chives
1/4 bunch of Dill
1/4 bunch of Parsley leaves
to taste Grounded black pepper
to taste Salt

Black Radish Salad with Mayonnaise

  • Dairy-Free
  • Gluten-Free
  • Vegetarian
  • 15 мин
  • Serves 4
  • Easy


  • Dressing:



A seemingly simple recipe reveals the flavor potential of black radish and allows you to get all of its beneficial properties as it is used in its raw form. Black radish is a winter superfood that has long been known for its medicinal properties. Rich in mustard oils, slightly bitter and spicy, black radishes blend perfectly with the neutral flavors of eggs and boiled meat in this recipe. This salad has multiple variations, including a quick one with a ham or sausage or a super healthy one with a boiled heart or tongue. Try different ones! To maximize the health benefits of the dish, it is best to prepare your own mayonnaise or choose the highest quality ready-made option.

Bon Appétit!

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Peel the black radish and carrots and cut them into thin strips or grate them using a special grater. Cut boiled meat into thin strips. Chop the greens finely.
Cook hard-boiled eggs and let them cool down. Then, slice them into long strips or use an egg slicer and add them to the vegetables. Season the dish with mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste.
Bon Appétit!

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