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Smoked Salmon And Horseradish Smørrebrød Sandwich

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Adjust Servings:
bread & toppings:
4 slices Rye bread
1 pcs Avocado
1 pcs Помидор свежий medium-sized
200 g Salted salmon
to taste Microgreen
50 g Greek yogurt 10%
50 g Sour cream 15-20% fat
15 g Horseradish fresh or canned, grated
1 tsp Lime juice
1/2 tsp Sugar white
to taste Salt
to taste Grounded black pepper

Smoked Salmon And Horseradish Smørrebrød Sandwich

  • 15 min
  • Serves 4
  • Easy


  • bread & toppings:

  • spread:



We’ve recently visited Denmark and I told you about smørrebrød in one of my recent posts. Smørrebrød is a Danish open sandwich with rye bread, or sometimes white bread, and various toppings. The only rule is that the toppings must be all different in color, taste, and texture.

Today I suggest you make an easy-peasy smørrebrød with salmon, avocado, tomato, and creamed horseradish in a leading role.

In Denmark, creamed horseradish is traditionally used as a spread for smørrebrød with fish toppings. But you can experiment and pair this spread with different toppings. It adds some freshness and intensity to the taste.

The best bread for this sandwich is, of course, Danish Rye Bread. You must try it out if you haven’t yet!


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Creamed Horseradish

Combine the sour cream and yogurt. Add the grated horseradish (fresh or canned), 1 tsp lime juice, sugar, salt, and freshly ground black pepper. Combine well. Taste. If needed, add some more salt, pepper, and lime juice.



Take 4 slices of rye bread.
“Dressy” assembly:
Peel and core the avocado. Slice the avocado, tomato, and salmon.
Top the bread with avocado, tomatoes, and salmon. Dollop creamed horseradish on the salmon and garnish with microgreens.
“Everyday” assembly:
Spread the creamed horseradish on the bread. Top with the avocado, tomato, and salmon. Garnish with microgreens.
The latter variant is probably less attractive but easier :).

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