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The Theory of the Perfect Syrniki

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The Theory of the Perfect Syrniki


So, here it is:

  1. Use dry but not tough cottage cheese. By dry, I mean that there should be no excess liquid between grains. It the cottage cheese is too wet, you should let it drain by hanging it in a draining bag for a few hours. Serum may not drop but will be absorbed in cloth.
  2. If you like syrniki texture smooth, you should mash it through a sieve.
  3. The amount of flour depends on how wet the cottage cheese you use is and on your taste. The less flour, the cheesier the syrniki will be. In my experience, the minimum amount of flour (for dry cottage cheese) is 45 g (3 heapless tbsp) for 500 g cottage cheese. If add less – syrniki may fall apart duirng frying.
  4. Flour may be partially substituted with semolina or starch. Semolina (1/3 or the amount of flour) will make syrniki especially smooth and crumbly. If you decided to use semolina, let the batter stand for 15-20 min.
  5. Syrniki may be prepared with whole eggs, with yolks only or without eggs at all. 1 egg/yolk for 500 g cottage cheese will be enough. I recommend you add only yolk as syrniki will be so tender and rich.
  6. You may add sugar (1 tsp for 500 g cottage cheese) or not (you will top syrniki with honey, preserves or other sweet toppings anyway). If made without sugar, syrniki will have a more solid color and will be unlikely to fall apart.
  7. There are two ways of shaping syrniki. Both include a floured board. The first one: form a 5 mm thick log and slice into 1 cm thick pieces and roll them in flour. The second one: spoon some batter, shape a ball with your either wet or floured hands, roll it in flour, and flatten into a 1 cm thick patty.
  8. So that syrniki be cooked-throgh: а) don’t make them thicker than 1 cm; б) fry in a preheated pan over medium heat; each side should be cooked at least for 2 min; в) cover the pan with a lid and cook until golden, then flip and cook the other side in the uncovered pan.

May your syrniki be successful! You’ll make it!

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