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  • Cheesecake with Baked Strawberry and Balsamic Vinegar Mousse
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Adjust Servings:
For pastry:
170 g cookies
60 g butter
For baked strawberry mousse
500 g strawberries
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
4 tbsp sugar
For filling:
750 g cottage cheese (if you take large-grain cheese, mash it through a sieve twice)
250 ml double cream (30%-36%)
2 eggs
1.5 tbsp potato starch
1 + 1/4 cup powdered sugar
1 package vanilla sugar
Cheesecake with Baked Strawberry and Balsamic Vinegar Mousse

Cheesecake with Baked Strawberry and Balsamic Vinegar Mousse

  • Vegetarian
  • 120
  • Serves 6
  • Medium


  • For pastry:

  • 170 g cookies

  • 60 g butter

  • For baked strawberry mousse

  • 500 g strawberries

  • 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar

  • 4 tbsp sugar

  • For filling:

  • 750 g cottage cheese (if you take large-grain cheese, mash it through a sieve twice)

  • 250 ml double cream (30%-36%)

  • 2 eggs

  • 1.5 tbsp potato starch

  • 1 + 1/4 cup powdered sugar

  • 1 package vanilla sugar



You must try this cheesecake! I can tell you why – because of strawberry mousse and its peculiar taste. It consists of baked strawberries and balsamic vinegar. The latter is known to be perfectly paired with strawberries. There is even a dessert made from strawberries, Parmesan crisps and a few drops of balsamic vinegar. So, strawberry mousse for our today’s cheesecake has a noble taste and a deep burgundy color. By the way, excess moisture evaporates while cooking so there is no need to add starch.

Cheesecake with baked strawberry and balsamic vinegar mousse is usually prepared not very high, approximately 1.5-2 cm, but quite wide to have enough space for a swirling pattern (I use a square (33-34 cm diameter) baking pan). Pastry can be made by arranging either crushed or whole cookies on the bottom.

I prefer to use previously mashed through a sieve cottage cheese – it makes this cheesecake taste like a baked pudding and it also creates a wonderful combination of tender strawberry mouse and somewhat grainy cottage cheese filling. You can also mash cottage cheese through a sieve for a few times for even tenderer consistency.

Since the cheesecake surface is covered with mousse it won’t crack so there is no need to keep the air in the oven moist.

By the way, you can use frozen strawberries to prepare this fantastic cheesecake in winter.

This cheesecake can be kept refrigerated for up to 5 days.

Don’t forget to try this no-bake cheesecake and tell me how you liked it!


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Prepare the pastry.

Cover a square baking pan (approx. 33x32 cm size) with parchment paper.

Variant #1. Arrange the square cookies closely to each other on the baking pan.

Variant #2. Finely crush the cookies. Melt the butter. Mix the cookies with butter to the consistency of damp sand. Evenly arrange the batter in the pan. Firmly press with your hand or a spoon to make the pastry thicker. Place in the fridge for 30 min.


Prepare the strawberry mousse.

Preheat the oven to 170 degrees Celsius.

Remove the strawberry stems. Cut the strawberries into halves, or, if big, into 4 parts. Arrange in a flat baking pan. Bake uncovered for 40-45 min, or, if frozen, a bit longer. The strawberries will release many juices, then they will gradually evaporate and by the end of the cooking process only a thin layer of the juices will remain on the bottom.

Take out of the oven and let chill. Then puree in a food processor or with a blender until smooth. The chilled puree will be thick and not watery at all.


Prepare the filling.

With a mixer or in a food processor, mix all the ingredients: eggs, cottage cheese (mashed through a sieve), double cream, powdered sugar, starch and vanilla sugar. Process until smooth but not too long otherwise the mixture will become fluffy which is bad for the cheesecake since while baking it will rise up and then fall down.


Preheat the oven to 160 degrees Celsius.

Pour the filling mixture into the baking dish onto the pastry making the surface even. With a spoon make a few hollows 1 cm apart from each other and fill them with 1-2 tablespoons of the strawberry mousse. Swirl the mouse with the end of the spoon handle to create a beautiful and interesting pattern on the surface.


Bake at 160 degrees Celsius for 45-50 min. The surface should eventually become baked, stiff and white, only the edges can become slightly golden.


Turn off the oven and slightly open the door to let the cheesecake chill for 15-20 min. Then take it out of the oven.

How to serve:

It can be served immediately, but it is better to let it chill and put in the fridge overnight. To my mind, it better tastes chilled.

How to keep:

Can be kept refrigerated for up to 5 days.


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